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Let's start with your Personal Info

Please Provide your Employment Information and Source of Fund

Please Provide your Bank Information

Provide us with your Next of Kin Info.

Give us your ID Card.

Confirm Documents

To complete the account opening process, you will be required to provide the following documents

1.  A valid Means of Identification of Signatory(s) – National ID, Int’l Passport, Voter’s card or driver’s license

2.  Recent Passport Photograph

3.  Recent Utility Bill – Electricity, Water, Telephone or Waste Bill

4.  Scanned signature specimen

Upload the Required Documents

File extensions allowed are jpeg, jpg, or png

Each document should be at most 5mb in size

Please be advised that you are to thoroughly consider your investment objectives and the risks, expenses, and charges involved in investing in the Nigerian Capital Market. Kindly note that as profits are being made in the market, losses can also be incurred. A good knowledge of the market is required before actively transacting in the stock market.

Trading volumes, market volatility, system performance, and other factors cause delayed system access and response time. Price, execution speed, and liquidity are affected by many factors including market volatility as well as the size and type of order.

In consideration of the fact that the process of trading on the Company’s portal begins on the FCSL’s Website (the website), agreeing to proceed with the use of the trading portal (product/service/portal) amounts to agreeing to use the website on the terms and conditions contained in this agreement.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before proceeding with the use of the trading portal. If you do not accept these terms, please do not proceed with the use of this service.


    1. FCSL Asset Management Company Limited (the “Company”) shall not be liable for any damages/liabilities arising from the use of the website or this service, or information made available on the website, or inability to use the website or any of the information contained therein. (The Company where the context so admits shall include any of the Company’s affiliates, shareholders, agents, consultants, directors, officers, employees, or its representatives).

    2. The Company will not be held liable for the outcome of all, and any trade/transaction initiated and carried out by clients on its online trading portal.

    3. Clients will bear all the charges involved in all online payments.

    4. The Company shall not be held liable or responsible for any loss suffered, either future or present, from the use of the website or the service or caused by technological malfunction/irregularities.

    5. Further to the above, the Company shall not be held liable or responsible for loss suffered because of delays between order entry and actual execution due to transmission, password compromise, operation, or performance of a computer system or network.

    6. The Company reserves the right to change or discontinue any aspect or feature of its services without notice. In the event that a client wishes to access a discontinued aspect or feature such Client shall explore other channels.

    7. Occasionally, the Website may become inaccessible or inoperable for reasons such as equipment (hardware) malfunctions, software malfunctions, periodic maintenance procedures, or repairs. The Company reserves the right to resume online services only when it is satisfied with the rectification of the cause of its inaccessibility.

    8. The information and services contained on the website are for general information only and are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind. The information may be changed at any time without prior notice.

    9. Consequently, the client should not rely solely on the information provided either in the form of a statement or news, and neither should it be taken as professional advice in making a trade decision.

    10. Without prejudice to any of the foregoing, in no event shall the Company be liable inulidually or severally for any loss, damage, costs, charges, and/or expenses of whatsoever nature in connection with:

      a. Any access, use, or the inability to access or use the website, use of, or reliance on the contents of this service.

      b. Any loss or damage with regard to personal or other data directly and/or indirectly caused by a malfunction of the website, third-party systems, power failures, unlawful access to or theft of data, computer viruses, or destructive code on the Site or third-party systems or programming defects.

      c. Any system, server, or connection failure, error, omission, interruption, interception, delay in operation or transmission, or computer virus.

      d. Any use of or access to any websites linked to the Website.

      e. Any service, product, information, data, software, or other materials obtained from the Website or any other websites linked to this Website.

      f. Breach or violation of any third-party rights, including but not limited to

      g. The violation of any proprietary or intellectual property rights or the enforcement of any of these general terms of use.

      h. Any other event over which the Company has no direct control.


      a. Clients are responsible for safeguarding their unique user ID, passwords, and other login information.

      b. The login information must be always kept secret and confidential.

      c. Clients shall be deemed responsible for all transactions undertaken with their user ID and Password.

      d. It is important to log out of the online trading platform upon completion of online trading.

      e. Do not leave your computer unattended while online trading transactions are being processed.

      f. Reference to these terms should be made each time you access and use the Website. Please discontinue the use of the website if, at any point in time, you do not agree with these terms and conditions.

    Dealings with clients and agents on this platform would be in strict compliance with the policies, codes of conduct and ethics, and regulations of the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). Nigerian Exchange Regulation Ltd. and any other relevant regulatory body.

    The Company will not be responsible for the eccentricities and fluctuations of the stock market and the consequent diminution in the value of the holdings of clients. The Company expressly disclaims all and provides no representations or warranties in respect of this website, its contents, and the services provided by us. We do not represent or warrant that the information accessible on or via this website is accurate, complete, or current.

    If any provision or part of a provision of these terms and conditions is found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, the other provisions shall remain in force. If any invalid, unenforceable, or illegal provision would be valid, enforceable, or legal if some parts of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with whatever modification is necessary to give effect to the commercial intention of the parties.

    The Client hereby agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and to keep the Company fully and effectively indemnified against any action, liability, cost, claim, loss, damage, proceeding, or expense (including legal fees, costs and expenses on a full indemnity basis) suffered or incurred by the Company arising out of any claim, demand, proceeding, or lawsuit, to the extent caused by the negligent acts of the Client or anyone for whom the Client is legally liable.

    The Company reserves the right and discretion to change at any time without prior warning or notice, any information or material contained on the website and is entitled to from time to time amend the Terms and Conditions under which the Website is used without prior notice to the Client. If the Client continues to access the Website after such modification, the Client is deemed to have agreed to be bound by such modified information, material, and Terms.

    The Company shall at all times do all that is reasonably expected to keep confidential all the materials and/or information submitted directly to the Company by the Client using the website except in the event of network glitch, server downtime, or legal/regulatory requirement.


First Name
Other Names
State of Origin
Email Address
Mobile Phone
Home Phone No
Type of Employment
Name of Company
Mother's Maiden Name
Source Of Funds
Employer's Office Address
Employer's official Telephone Number
Employer's Email Address
Annual Average Salary
Source of Investment Fund
Purpose of Investment
Bank Information
Name of Bank
Bank Acct Number
BVN Number
Identity Type
Identity Number
Expiration Date {{dateOfExpiry | date:'longDate'}}
Next Of Kin
Full Name
Contact Address
Phone Number
Email Address